martes, 25 de enero de 2011

Pig Business, un documental para conocer algunas prácticas malvadas de los piratas de la industria cárnica

La crisis económica vuelve a situarse como telón de fondo a una trama mucho más compleja en el que dudosos productores alimenticios hacen negocios con la salud de los ciudadanos y obtienen enormes beneficios con ello.

Pig Business es un documental en el que nos explican con detalles lo que realmente está ocurriendo tras algunas bandejas de carne o huevos que compramos en los supermercados.

En Alemania, el escándalo de las dioxinas fue el detonante para conocer algo más sobre una realidad siniestra. Si bien buena parte de la carne que comemos cumple todos la reglamentación sanitaria y supera todos los controles que establecen las autoridades, siempre existen los garbanzos negros. Seres sin escrúpulos que hay que vigilar de cerca. Te dejo con el vídeo subtitulado en español:

La imagen la encotré en Euroresidentes y el vídeo en Youtube.

4 comentarios:

  1. Me equivoqué de entrada, quería poner el comentario aquí. Decía: Cómo está el patio. Aquí el que no corre, vuela. Todo sea por la pasta, caiga quien caiga

  2. Anónimo12:10 a. m.

    ¿Cómo una España de borregos puede detener esto?

  3. Anónimo12:06 p. m.

    dentro de la politica española hay mucho analfabeto, asi nos luce el pelo.

  4. Anónimo11:16 a. m.

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:

    I am President of Waterkeeper Alliance an environmental group and a leader of a national coalition of family farmers, fishermen, environmental and animal welfare organizations, religious and civic associations, and food safety advocates who are fighting Smithfield Foods in the United States.
    Smithfield is one of a handful of large multinationals who are transforming global meat production from a traditional farm enterprise to factory style industrial production. Smithfield is the largest hog producer in the world and controls almost 30% of the U.S. pork market. Smithfield’s style of industrial pork production is now a major source of air pollution and probably the largest source of water pollution in America. Smithfield and its cronies have driven tens of thousands of family farmers off the land, shattered rural communities, poisoned thousands of miles of American waterways, killed billions of fish, put thousands of fishermen out of work, sickened rural residents and treated hundreds of millions of farm animals with unspeakable and unnecessary cruelty.

    North Carolina’s hog farmers have been replaced by 2,200 hog factories; 1,600 owned or indentured to a single multinational -- Smithfield Foods. Smithfield now controls 75% of hog production in the state. From North Carolina, Smithfield moved to Iowa, the number one hog producing state. As a result of factory farms, Iowa lost 45,000 independent hog farmers in recent years with half of the remaining 10,000 already controlled by Smithfield and a few other large corporations. Joe Luter told the Washington Post that Smithfield will turn “Poland into the Iowa of Europe.”

    Political Corruption

    Hog factories produce far more manure than is needed to fertilize fields around them. The costs of properly treating and disposing this waste would make meat factories uncompetitive with traditional farms unless they violate numerous environmental laws. Traditional farms are exempt from these laws since manure, for them, is not waste product but a valuable fertilizer spread on fields to grow crops. Because factory meat producers must break the law in order to survive, the industry’s business plan relies on the assumption that pork factories will be able to evade prosecution by improperly influencing government enforcement officials.

    Smithfield uses its wealth to buy politicians, paralyze regulatory agencies and break health and environmental laws with impunity. In North Carolina, Smithfield made business partnerships with a powerful state senator Wendell Murphy and a powerful United States Senator Launch Faircloth who protected the company’s interests in local and federal legislatures. Using adept campaign contributions and such cunning alliances, the hog industry has been able to corrupt and control the North Carolina state senate. The state’s largest newspaper, Raleigh News and Observer, won the Pulitzer Prize for its five-part investigative report disclosing how the factory hog industry had captured and corrupted the state senate.

    Politicians who oppose the hog barons are punished. When North Carolina’s Duplin County State Assemblywoman Cynthia Watson began speaking out against Smithfield’s impact on her farm community, the hog industry launched a savage multimillion dollar attack, spending as much as $10,000 a week for two years to destroy her reputation. As a result, she lost her election and the hog barons sent a message to all the senators in North Carolina that if you speak out against this industry or this company, we will punish you!


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